Letest News

गया में इंटर परीक्षार्थी फर्जी एक धाराएं जाने पूरी खबर क्या है

  गया में इंटर परीक्षार्थी फर्जी एक धाराएं जाने पूरी खबर क्या है इंटरमीडिएट परीक्षा शुरू हो चुकी है। गुरुवार को गया में 59 केदो पर परीक्षा को कंडक्ट कराई जा रही है। इसको लेकर बहुत ही बड़ी अपडेट निकाल कर आ रही है। पहले दिन दोनों फलियां मिलकर 377 अभ्यर्थी अनुपस्थित रहे। वहीं पर […]

Letest News

JEE Main April Registration: 12वीं के स्टूडेंट्स कर लें तैयारी, कल से भरे जाएंगे जेईई मेंस का फॉर्म

 JEE Main April Registration:  जेईई मेंस पहले सेशन का परीक्षा आज से समाप्त होने जा रही है। इस परिणाम का नतीजा 12 फरवरी 2024 को घोषित की जाएंगे। और जी मेंस परीक्षा का आंसर की जल्द ही जारी कर दी जाएगी। और जितने भी अभी आरती सेशन 2 का रजिस्ट्रेशन का इंतजार कर रहे हैं,

Horizon Technology Finance Management Announces Platform

Horizon Technology Finance Management Announces Platform

Horizon Know-How Finance Administration LLC (“Horizon”), a registered funding advisor that specializes, underwrites and underwrites secured loans made to corporations within the life sciences, health care data and companies, and sustainability industries, and Horizon’s supervisor and advisor manages. How Finance Company (NASDAQ:HRZN) immediately introduced that on March 4, 2021, it entered into an agreement with

AdvanceAg 2021 to showcase new on-farm technology

AdvanceAg 2021 to showcase new on-farm technology

The South Australian AgTech Conference will look to showcase the affordable specialization options farmers can make in 2021. Self-driving automobiles and micro-drones that sow, spray and harvest crops are currently set to be among a variety of state-of-the-art agricultural expertise at AdvanceAge 2021. Dr Lena Learn, Fair Chair of the South Australian Government’s Agtech Advisory

Using Technology Sovereignty To Create Local Unicorns

Using Technology Sovereignty To Create Local Unicorns

Sovereignty means supreme energy or authority over an area, which is analogous to one’s authority. At this time, specialization sovereignty is replacing this traditional idea. Sovereignty is not primarily related to geography and is becoming more important to nations because of military control capability. By being accountable to critical technology, nations can produce and nurture

How technology is remaking our world, for better or worse

How technology is remaking our world, for better or worse

It can be a dangerous time for mom nature – yet there’s no point in trying to rewind the clock. As an alternative, why not flip the clock forward? This is what Nathaniel Rich describes for the sick environment in “Second Nature: Scenes from a World Remade.” And he gives pointers to aid in his

How technology is helping business succeed with strong employee

How technology is helping business succeed with strong employee

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Post-SPAC Technology Company Hit with Securities Class Action

Post-SPAC Technology Company Hit with Securities Class Action

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Europe’s chance to lead the green technology race

Europe’s chance to lead the green technology race

The market consensus will tell you that there is no tech sector in Europe. Sure, ASML, SAP or Spotify have weird world beacons, although they are “exceptions that show the rule”. If an investor wants technology, growth and innovation, he goes to America or Asia. Europe is on the minds of many traders to offer

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